PCHi-Note is an outliner program that allows text and images to
be stored and displayed in a hierarchical tree structure. The
database file format is compatible with the PalmPilot application
Hi-Note(a Cyclos product).
It includes a powerful set of editing tools.
It allows PalmPilot users to utilise the power and convenience
of their PC to manage the information in their Hi-Note database,
and HotSync the database back to their PDA.
It also provides the Win95/NT users with the a simple but powerful
(You don't need a PalmPilot or Hi-Note to use this program)
An outline view of all notes and images is displayed in an
intuitive tree structure, with the current item having all
information and properties displayed.
All items are associated with a category of your choosing, to help
manage the information, and each item can be made readonly and
private for extra security.
Notes can store up to 28k of data, while images may be up to 800x500.
There are many powerful functions available, including :
- PCHi-Note provides all the standard functionality that is in Hi-Note.
- Built-in editing of notes.
- Import text files and pictures straight into the database.
- Export your pictures.
- Export your notes to a text file.
- (Auto)Install your changes back into your PalmPilot.
- Allows you the Copy/Cut/Paste notes and sub-notes.
- Allows you to do a text search on all (or part) of your database.
- Allows you to edit pictures with your favourite image editor.
- Comes with a complete on-line help.
Download the latest version of PCHi-Note
v0.40.3 [21st September 1998] Maintenance release.
- Now automatically opens new databases after creating them.
- The 'Install on Next HotSync' functionality now works correctly with Palm III / PalmDesktop 3.0 configurations.
v0.40.2 [17th September 1998] First public release.